

A Radical New Experiment Used Synthetic Quartz To Capture Artificial Heat

ByKiona Smith

The novel feat shows that channeling enough solar energy can generate industrial-grade heat.


How An Organ Transplant Can Change Your Entire Personality

ByAdam Taylor and The Conversation

Recent evidence suggests that these personality changes aren’t all psychological. Biology may play a role, too.

Man choosing snacks in supermarket

The Ultraprocessed Food Hype Is Masking This Other Major Health Predictor, 30 Years of Data Reveal

ByGary Sacks, Kathryn Backholer, Kathryn Bradbury, Sally Mackay and The Conversation

Much of the recent evidence related to ultra-processed foods tell us what we already knew.


A Radical New Experiment Used Synthetic Quartz To Capture Artificial Heat

ByKiona Smith

The novel feat shows that channeling enough solar energy can generate industrial-grade heat.


How An Organ Transplant Can Change Your Entire Personality

ByAdam Taylor and The Conversation

Recent evidence suggests that these personality changes aren’t all psychological. Biology may play a role, too.


The Ultraprocessed Food Hype Is Masking This Other Major Health Predictor, 30 Years of Data Reveal

ByGary Sacks, Kathryn Backholer, Kathryn Bradbury, Sally Mackay and The Conversation

Much of the recent evidence related to ultra-processed foods tell us what we already knew.


The Webb Telescope Found A Lava Planet with a Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere

ByKiona Smith

55 Cancri e is a terrible place, but at least its atmosphere isn't actually vaporized rock.


The Real Reason Studying Menstrual Blood Is So Important

ByKnowable Magazine and Sneha Khedkar

Long overlooked, menstrual stem cells could have important medical applications, including diagnosing endometriosis.


This Simple One-Shot Vaccine Could Protect Against a Host of Coronaviruses

ByThe Conversation and Rory Hills

It could even protect against ones yet to be identified.


How Legalization Has Made Pot A Lot More Potent — And Dangerous

ByTy Schepis and The Conversation

Eventually, most adults reach a point where we realize we are out of touch with those much younger than us.


This Type of Coffee Is the Least Likely to Stain Your Teeth, According to Science

ByElana Spivack

The way your coffee is roasted stains your teeth differently.


This Wild, Believable Theory Suggest AI Is Blocking Us From Alien Contact

ByMichael Garrett and The Conversation

What if AI represents a formidable bottleneck in the development of all civilizations, one so challenging that it thwarts their long-term survival?

Pet Science

Can You Train Your Cat to Sit? It's Absurdly Easy With This Simple Trick

ByElana Spivack

Your cat can learn a whole host of skills.