
July’s Full “Buck” Moon Will Affect These Zodiac Signs The Most

Let the spotlight shine.

Woman looks at a screen. These zodiac signs will be most affected by the July 2022 full Buck moon.
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Between steady Saturn teaching us the importance of discipline and daydreaming Neptune shattering our illusions during their retrograde seasons, it may seem like this summer’s astrology is nothing short of intense. That’s especially the case with the July 2022 full moon, also known as the full Buck moon. July’s full moon illuminates the sky on July 13 in executive Capricorn. For the zodiac signs most affected by the July 2022 full Buck moon, that means la Luna’s high beams are shedding light on their ambitious goals and public life.

Full moons are the climactic finale of the lunar cycle, but it’s also a time of hyperactive energy and emotional intensity. They get a lot of attention for stirring up drama, but it’s also an ideal time to let go of any negativity you may have been holding onto. The full buck moon got its name because male deer’s antlers fully develop during this time according to the Farmer’s Almanac. Likewise, those most impacted by July’s full moon may feel a sense of yearning in their professional life as they let go of fears about how they’re perceived by others. That’s because Capricorn is all about accolades, leaving a few zodiac signs to take stock of their personal mission.

“While you might not have arrived quite yet, acknowledging the blood, sweat, and perhaps most apt right now, tears, that go into your accomplishments are important,” astrologer Erin River Sunday tells Bustle.

Will July’s lunation inspire you to conquer your goals or leave you feeling exposed by its bright lights? Keep reading to find out if you’re one of the zodiac signs most affected by the July 2022 full moon.

Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 21 - July 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

It’s about to get intense in your close, one-on-one relationships now that the full moon is shaking up your sixth house of partnerships, Cancer. You’ve been learning to spice things up in your routine rather than retreat to your shell, but this lunation is offering an opportunity to review how you can bring some stability to your personal relationships.

“Cancer [placements] will feel this lunation viscerally,” says Sunday. That’s mainly because this lunation in Capricorn is opposite of your sign, according to Sunday. “Oppositions usually lead to balancing acts, so it will be important to reconcile feelings with actions,” she adds.

Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Not only is July’s full moon hanging out in your native sign, but your planetary ruler, Saturn, is backtracking in free-spirited Aquarius. That means heavy themes of self-discipline and trading in your old conventions will be prevalent during the full moon, forcing you to think outside of your comfort zone.

“Capricorn people are likely to have deep insights regarding their past six months,” says Sunday. “They will be feeling sensitive emotionally but can trust that what needs to be transformed will likely be illuminated.”

Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

July’s full moon may have you feeling especially isolated as you focus on your most prestigious passion projects. It’s also about how your private life reflects in your public work, if at all. Focus on picking apart your subconscious and aligning your shadow self with your reputation.

“Aquarians are being activated with this lunation because Saturn is currently transiting their home sign,” Sunday explains. “Because of the moon’s connection to Pluto, there may be structural changes that need to happen within the subconscious.”