Angela Reiersen

Angela Reiersen

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Education & Training

  • NIMH Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Psychiatric Epidemiology: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 2007
  • MPE: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 2006
  • Fellowship:Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 2004
  • Residency: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 2002
  • MD: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 1999

Major Awards

  • Student Leadership Award, Academic Women’s Network, Washington University School of Medicine, 2006
  • The Eli Robins Award for excellence in clinical psychiatry, in teaching, and in research, Washington University Department of Psychiatry, 2004

Areas of Clinical Interest

Child and adolescent psychiatric disorders

Complex neurodevelopmental disorders

Prodromal Schizophrenia

Neuropsychiatric Genetics

School Psychiatry

Research Interests

Epidemiology, genetics, and longitudinal course of childhood-onset psychiatric disorders, with emphasis on autism, ADHD, and tic disorders

Childhood precursors to schizophrenia

Early onset schizophrenia

Relationships between psychiatric disorders and neurological disorders

Neurodevelopmental mechanisms involved in psychiatric disorders

Neurological and psychiatric symptoms in Wolfram Syndrome

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Key Publications







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Funded Research Projects

NIMH(Significant Contributor):Molecular Basis of Selected GxE Effects in Combined Type ADHD
NICHD(Significant Contributor):Tracking Neurodegeneration in Early Wolfram Syndrome
NIMH(Significant Contributor):The New Tics Study: A Novel Approach to Pathophysiology and Cause of Tic Disorders